Lithuanian Culture Research Institute

Author Guidelines

Athena: Philosophical Studies is a philosophical journal publishing original scholarly articles and research papers devoted to all kinds of problems in contemporary philosophy, be it ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, history of philosophy, and so on. Every volume of Athena: Philosophical Studies is dedicated to a different philosophical theme which is announced for potential contributors in advance. The journal also publishes translations of the original texts, book reviews, and the chronicle of academic life. The submissions are subject to double-blind peer-review by two scholars but the final decision to publish rests with the editors. The publishing languages are Lithuanian and English.

The peer review process is initiated only if the manuscript:

is written in clear and concise English language and edited by a native speaker of English; papers below the standard of the Journal can be rejected for this reason alone; is technically as well as grammatically correct copy; satisfies the formal requirements of the journal. Please follow the instructions below.

I. Formal Requirements

Structure of Submissions:

Manuscripts are expected to possess all the necessary features of the scholarly papers: clearly stated aims of the paper, thesis, conclusions, and references to the literature cited and/or discussed. It is strongly recommended for contributors not to exceed the size of 40.000 characters, with spaces (including all parts of the submission).

The manuscripts should be arranged as to include the following:

  1. title;
  2. author’s name and surname;
  3. author’s academic affiliation, office postal address, phone number and author’s e-mail address, ORCID ID (recommended);
  4. abstract in English (up to 130 words) and keywords (up to 5, for indexing purposes) in Italic;
  5. main body of the paper;
  6. abstract (about 1000 characters, including spaces) and keywords (up to 5) in Lithuanian (if possible, otherwise the editors will provide a translation of the abstract);
  7. references;
  8. please place notes as footnotes rather than endnotes.


The authors are expected to provide references by adopting Harvard style:

in text references are to be provided in parentheses by writing name and year followed by semicolon and page number of the source. The name of the author need not be mentioned if in the process of source’s citation his/her identity is absolutely clear from the context.

If the source has more than two authors, only the name of the first author is provided (Butler et al. 2011: 254). If two or more authors have the same last name, the last name of the author should be supplemented by the initial letter of the first name.

Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work. The sources in non-Latin alphabet languages are to be transliterated.

The sources should be indicated according to these examples:


Degutis, A. 1998. Individualizmas ir visuomeninė tvarka. Vilnius: Eugrimas.

articles from journals and other periodicals should be cited as follows:

Jonkus D. 2021. „Sąmonės ir jos kilmės problema Vosyliaus Sezemano rankraščiuose“, Problemos, 100: 8–19.

articles from collections of articles should be cited as follows:

Hayek, F. 1984. “Competition as a Discovery Procedure”, in: The Essence of Hayek, ed. by Ch. Mishiyama and K. Leube. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, p. 56–74.

For more detailed instructions see

II. Submission:

The authors should submit papers electronically in Microsoft Word document format, by email to or . Submissions should be accompanied by a letter which declares that the paper is original, i.e. has not been published previously and is not submitted for publication in any other journal or book. In case plagiarised material is revealed in any of the published papers, the paper will be retracted and Editorial board will make a public notice to the readers.

III. Copyright

Athena: Philosophical Studies is an open access journal. All content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission of the publisher or the author. Articles published in the journal are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license.

Athena: Philosophical Studies uses Crossref Similarity Check powered by iThenticate to check for the duplication and attribution in submitted manuscripts. However, even using the contemporary technological devices and with the kind assistance of the experienced referees, the journal’s Editorial board is not in a position to thoroughly compare all the submitted papers with the vast totality of philosophical texts published in various languages, therefore the originality of the papers remains at the sole responsibility of the authors. In case plagiarised material is revealed in any of the published papers, the paper will be retracted and Editorial board will make a public notice to the readers.

Please read the Copyright Notice in Journal Policy.

Copyright Notice

Please read the Copyright Notice in Journal Policy.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.